Monday, February 28, 2011

World Maths Day

Today is world maths day. We're playing 20 games per level. There's a total of 100 games. It's really fun and good exercise for your brain.

Check out some of our photos:

You can visit the World Maths Day site yourself.

Photos and writing by Grace

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Christchurch Quake: From a child's point of view

We read this Stuff news article from Lily Anderson's experience last Tuesday at school in the
Christchurch quake.

It was interesting to read about what it was like being at school when the earthquake struck.

Check it out!

Reunited after the quake: mother and child

Monday, February 14, 2011

Who we are!

Welcome to our fifth wall blog!

Responsible, respectful
Ownership of our learning
Obedient (most of the time)
Marvellous, mega-magnificent

Terrific, talented, team players
Honest, helpful, humorous, happy
Incredibly intelligent
Red and green uniform
Thinkers, thoughtful
Young, yay for our new blog!

Written in 3 minutes flat collaboratively by the students of Room 30!